Executive Condo


Only the privileged can enjoy owning an Executive Condominium . Take action now and understand how to take advantage of your next upgrade or investment.

What Is Executive Condominium (EC) in Singapore?

Known as the “sandwich flat”, an Executive Condominium is a public-private housing hybrid catered to middle-income Singaporeans who don't qualify for an HDB flat due to the income ceiling cap but find private condominiums on the higher side for their finance & asset progression.

ECs are developed and sold by private developers but are subsidised by the government. As such, while they have condo-like attributes such as swimming pools, gyms, clubhouse, and better design, they are cheaper than private condos.

Singapore ECs are considered HDB properties for the first 10 years, which means they’re bounded by HDB’s rules. These include the 5-year Minimum Occupancy Period (MOP) rule, HDB’s various eligibility schemes, HDB’s selling restrictions, and the resale levy (if you’re buying it from a developer).

Once executive condos (EC) hit their 11th year, they will be privatised – and that’s when they truly shine, as the EC price will become higher and you can sell it to a bigger pool of buyers. Alternatively, renting out privatised condos can also rake in good profits.

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